Today the landlady said she had to come down and oil the furnace. Oil the furnace?? I grew up with a father who OWNED his own heating company and I've lived in the north and have never heard of anyone OILING the furnace!!! OK, so I figure she wants to see how crappy we live or something.... So, we're talking about her cancer, her treatment, etc and who walks..no, RUNS right through the kitchen but NADA!! And we KNOW the landlady doesn't know we have a cat. She never asked about pets, there's nothing about pets in the lease, but we figured for all the information the old neighbors gave us about her poking around our house and looking in our windows when we were gone, she'd probably seen either Nada or Michi Magick!! So, she went partially ballistic over it and said she wouldn't make us get rid of Nada. I told her there was no way we'd EVER get rid of Nada. We'd move first. Now what's going to happen when she sees Michi Magick?? LOL I guess we'll tell her we're cat sitting...
Anyway, enjoy the pictures of the first snow! It was pretty exciting after not having seen snow for like 25 years! Now that Nada's been discovered, she can go outside (attended) and hunt for lizards! Wait til she finds out there aren't any in PA.....
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