I've been so worried about my son and his family and my sister on the TX gulf coast!! Finally today I spoke to G and they're leaving for Tyler, TX. Well, I suppose they're already on their way by now, or at least sitting in that great evacuation parkinglot, I-45, the gulf freeway! I remember people trying to leave for hurricane Alan in the early '80's sitting on 45 for 6 hours or more just to make it to Houston. I'm sending angels with all ya'll!!
Today I half finished my new novelty yarn and hope to have pictures tomorrow.. and an evilbay auction!! This one is Kool Aid dyed in sage and orange and has green super coils that are working out MUCH better than the crawdads! I plyed the green in an S instead of a Z which last time tended to make the coils open when they were plyed. This time I have very tight coils. The only thing I don't like is that the 'tail end' of them tend to be somewhat overspun. Well, that may all straighten itself out when it's put on the skein board. BEAUTIFUL NEW one that my DH made for me!! So much easier than a niddy noddy tho he has made some beautiful ones from palm tree wood when we lived in FL.
So, for your entertainment this evening, here are two pictures of chemtrails with a sylph that looks like an angel or a cross. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, do a google search for chemtrails. You might be amazed. And frightened!!
Namaste! And bless all you folks sitting in traffic trying to escape Rita, especially those I hold most near and dear!
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